Monday, September 24, 2007

Terry's Bridal Shower

This Sunday a group of us from the hospital took a well deserved break, and headed out to Gruene, TX. The gathering was to celebrate Terry's upcoming marriage. We shared a few rounds of margaritas, and ate a tasty lunch. There were plenty of laughs and stories shared. Who could ask for more on a beautiful September day?

A beautiful view of the Guadalupe River from our table.

Terry had many.....


and Ahhhhhhhs!!!!

A good sign she enjoyed her presents!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Hitting The Folk's Back Nine!

Watch out Tiger Woods, Tegan Douglas is on his is way up. Look at that form. With a coaching staff of Daddy and Grandpa it is only a matter of time until he will be ranked #1 on the Toddler Pro Golf Tour.


My Favorite Monkey!

Jadynn is quite the climber. She loves to climb up in the tree in Grandma and Grandpa's back yard. Reminds me of when Brenda and I used to climb the tree in her back yard and get on the garage roof! Yes Mom I admit we would go on the roof! Luckily there are no roofs near this tree, so keep climbing Jadynn.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


In August I was back home in St. Albert to visit with my family. I had a wonderful afternoon with Jadynn and Tegan in the back yard. We raided grandma's raspberry bushes and had some yummy rasperries right off the bush. It has been awhile since I have done that, no raspberry bushes in Texas!

Enjoying the "fruits" of our labor.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Happy Canada Day!

Well it is Canada Day, but here in the USA, it is just another Sunday. So no fireworks and BBQ for me. I did have a great day with a fellow Canadian and a half Canadian/ half Panamanian. We went out for a great lunch followed by a little shopping. Ms. Emerson was such a trooper, she almost makes having a baby look easy! She had all the ladies in the M.A.C store in love with her and her and her dancing hands and feet. She kept great time with the music. Sarah and I were also able to start our Christmas shopping at the Discovery store. It is never too early to start and we are over half way through the year. I of course had to get some new shoes. A very comfortable pair, I must say. I will now be ready for the next time Nicole is in town for her marathon shopping trips. No more sore shopping feet from wear the "cute" shoes. I am ready Nicole...bring it on! Well once again to all my Canadian friends Happy Canada Day. I will be thinking of you and Canada when I see the 4Th of July fireworks on Wednesday!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Where did June go?

I did so well in May 3 whole posts! I however failed in June. Is it really the last day already??? I think this month just went too quickly. I had a nice visit with Nicole and Joe and the 3 boys. I did need a few days to recuperate following the visit. 2 days filled of shopping and then playing with a 2 year old and 6 month old twins takes the energy. I only did it for a weekend, not sure how Nicole does it all the time! I guess they are lucky they are cute and all. I will attempt to post a little more in July, hopefully it will not fly by as quickly.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Am I getting older?

Alright I think I am REALLY getting older. We are half way through 2007...didn't we just have New Years? Time flies by as you get older according to my Mother. So I have time flying by and now the real kicker... I am excited about a new iron. Yes it is true folks, I am NOT talking about a new Coach purse or some killer heels...a steam iron. I may need to see a doctor, something must be wrong with me. I have to say though this iron is great, I was actually enjoying ironing. It has plenty of steam to get out the wrinkles out, and the best part it can be used as an upright steamer. I can get my wrinkle out with the clothes still on the hanger! My Rowenta is made in Germany, so at least it foreign and a little exotic? No I did not buy it either, I just must be getting old....I mean mature!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

No more tubing for me!!

I think my days of floating the Guadalupe River are over. The other day traffic was stopped on 410 by an 8 foot alligator taking a stroll. Not only did he stop traffic, he decided to have a little snack. He had an appetizer of orange traffic cones and for the main course a bite of patrol car bumper. Once he was finished his meal he was escorted by the smart police of San Antonio back to the river so he could go for a nice swim in the near by lake. Could he not have been escorted to a zoo or something??? If there is one alligator out there, he must have friends or a Misses out there too. It is only a matter of time until they make their way to the Guadalupe River for a little dessert. What could be tastier then a few people filled doughnuts!!!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Cinco De Mayo!!

I have been craving a good margarita for a couple of weeks now. So on Friday I celebrated Cinco De Mayo a little early. (It was only the 4th.) I headed to Pappacito's to meet up with Terry, Kat and Robert. We had some yummy Mexican food and of course a couple of margaritas.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Miss Cassidy

Well here's a picture of Miss Cassidy looking so poised and well behaved. It only took numerous shots to get this one as she thought it fun to come and attack the flash. This picture is already a few years old as Miss Cassidy like the rest of us is aging and has gotten a little bit grayer since then. She however refuses to act like a mature young lady and is still mischievous.

Friday, March 30, 2007

I signed up for this what???

Okay I signed up for this blog thing, does it mean I have to suddenly become creative and witty? Anyone who knows me knows I hate to write and I can not spell. I mainly did this so I could post some comments on the cute Ms. Emerson's blog. Emerson could you do me a favor and ask Mommy and Daddy how I am supposed to add you to my links. I am not always the quickest with figuring out this whole computer thing. Well I am off to bed, enough of stressing my brain as to what to type here.