Sunday, July 1, 2007

Happy Canada Day!

Well it is Canada Day, but here in the USA, it is just another Sunday. So no fireworks and BBQ for me. I did have a great day with a fellow Canadian and a half Canadian/ half Panamanian. We went out for a great lunch followed by a little shopping. Ms. Emerson was such a trooper, she almost makes having a baby look easy! She had all the ladies in the M.A.C store in love with her and her and her dancing hands and feet. She kept great time with the music. Sarah and I were also able to start our Christmas shopping at the Discovery store. It is never too early to start and we are over half way through the year. I of course had to get some new shoes. A very comfortable pair, I must say. I will now be ready for the next time Nicole is in town for her marathon shopping trips. No more sore shopping feet from wear the "cute" shoes. I am ready Nicole...bring it on! Well once again to all my Canadian friends Happy Canada Day. I will be thinking of you and Canada when I see the 4Th of July fireworks on Wednesday!